00:14:38 Linda Bruno: Hi everyone! 00:16:05 Sara Gassaway: Welcome everyone! 00:16:30 Chiquita Quirin: It's not there. 00:17:47 Sara Gassaway: Handouts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tTTzBQRjSZdRAgPPgLkO7tGVkwJ8ELa9/view?usp=sharing 00:17:51 Winona Patterson: I want everyone to know that there's something here for them. 00:17:52 Jamie Naylor: Provide awareness of resources 00:18:26 Mary Balint: we rely on public funding so people need to know why they need us 00:18:30 Sue Ane Stumpo: Due to the negativity of libraries, especially in Florida 00:18:38 Christina Wells: door count is down, program attendance is down, need to get people in the door! 00:19:16 Dania Soriano: our biggest competition is Internet 00:19:18 Christina Wells: Streaming providers, google, amazon 00:19:25 Barb Hughes: amazon 00:19:31 Christina Wells: Yes lol 00:19:32 Mary Balint: the road and bridge department lol 00:19:32 Jamie Naylor: Apple store, cell phone providers 00:19:58 Nancy Sanders: the community center nextdoor 00:20:15 Jamie Naylor: emergency services 00:21:07 Chiquita Quirin: If we don't promote ourselves, then we will become obsolete. 00:21:17 Jamie Naylor: Information about what to do in an emergency... Our emergency management office is conducting hurricane preparedness workshops. 00:21:23 Jamie Naylor: in our libraries! 00:22:03 Christina Wells: rules 00:22:11 Christina Wells: yup 00:22:33 Winona Patterson: outdated stereotypes about libraries 00:22:35 Mary Balint: I feel like I'm talking to the wall sometimes when interacting with elected officials 00:22:40 Dorothee Bennett: Not having the right words at the right time 00:22:48 Jamie Naylor: poor past experiences 00:24:22 Christina Wells: customer service 00:24:28 Christina Wells: good 00:24:33 Barb Hughes: historical 00:24:34 Winona Patterson: vibrant co-workers 00:24:39 Chiquita Quirin: The awesome programs we offer our patrons, especially the kids programs. 00:24:42 Christina Wells: we have people out on the floor where people need them 00:24:42 Dania Soriano: museum passes 00:24:55 Mary Balint: the ebooks they offer because I can "check out" another book at 1:30 in the morning 00:25:42 Chiquita Quirin: It's important to share an impactful story to illustrate our importance. 00:26:53 Sue Ane Stumpo: Our "library of things" - items to check out, such as fishing poles, baking, pans, instruments 00:27:19 Jamie Naylor: Creation Stations (makerspaces) 00:29:51 Christina Wells: my team 00:30:05 Barb Hughes: our new seed library is a huge hit in our rural community 00:30:08 Christina Wells: Everyone has something special to offer 00:30:23 Winona Patterson: amazing summer programming for all ages (including adults) 00:31:03 Barb Hughes: Yes, we've partnered with the extension service 00:31:09 Dorothee Bennett: online presence: ebooks, classes, catalog available 24/7. Instant online registration 00:32:10 Christina Wells: yes 00:32:12 Winona Patterson: yep 00:32:14 Nancy Sanders: yes 00:32:16 Jamie Naylor: yes 00:32:16 Sue Ane Stumpo: Yes! 00:32:18 Mary Weatherholt: yes 00:32:19 Dorothee Bennett: yup 00:33:41 Mary Weatherholt: Reddit 00:33:55 Jamie Naylor: Teams (work 'social') 00:34:07 Sara Gassaway: Discord! Tik Tok 00:34:10 Mary Balint: youtube 00:34:22 Dorothee Bennett: sadly our libraries use mostly Facebook. some Instagram 00:35:32 Mary Weatherholt: Flickr is around, it's really popular with LEGO fans 00:35:45 Dorothee Bennett: Milwaukee Library is my fave https://www.wisn.com/article/milwaukee-public-library-social-media-tiktok-instagram-global-attention/42259429 00:36:04 Dorothee Bennett: Sure :) 00:36:07 Sara Gassaway: I also love them! 00:36:22 Christina Wells: hurricane prep 00:36:32 Mary Weatherholt: Local history 00:36:36 Christina Wells: right lol 00:36:46 Winona Patterson: collaboration with local history museum 00:37:01 Dorothee Bennett: High school diploma for adult residents 00:38:21 Jamie Naylor: Linda - Sarasota County created a hurricane prep guide that's pretty thorough. The map of our county's evacuation centers might not be as helpful for you, though. πŸ˜‰ https://www.scgov.net/government/emergency-services/hurricane-preparedness-6291 00:38:44 Jamie Naylor: I take one home every year! 00:39:31 Christina Wells: Helping people connect with FEMA after the storms 00:39:41 Jamie Naylor: A patron requested an appointment for technology assistance. The specific request was to learn about a birdwatching app and how to find out about its features. 00:39:49 Brandy Black: Feeding kids lunches during the summer 00:39:57 Christina Wells: LOVE summer food :) 00:40:14 Jamie Naylor: Master Gardeners! UF/IFAS extensions 00:40:22 Coleen Tobin: They have a teen book club at the jail library, which has proven to increase empathy and improve behavior of the inmates. 00:40:34 Dorothee Bennett: Father of four earns online high school diploma at the library: was promoted twice since he walked at graduation! 00:42:23 Sara Gassaway: Well that story is enough for me to cry, Linda! 00:42:25 Jamie Naylor: Our outreach team visits the local senior friendship centers for tech assistance every month. 00:43:18 Dorothee Bennett: Jamie LaRue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy0-1qjtDJY 00:43:21 Sue Ane Stumpo: We have a "books by mail" service as well as a "homebound delivery" service 00:43:28 Jamie Naylor: Pull anecdotes! πŸ™‚ 00:43:56 Dorothee Bennett: Library Stories were my SSLLI project... 00:44:34 Dorothee Bennett: of course! 00:44:47 Dorothee Bennett: But it's hard to maintain 00:45:24 Coleen Tobin: We have talked about collecting stories, but maybe having a bulletin board or a common place for staff to feel interactive with will encourage sharing more 00:46:48 Coleen Tobin: I love your enthusiasm 😁 00:48:03 Jamie Naylor: Flip through the comment cards and program evaluation cards... Plenty of stories in the notes! 00:49:41 Jamie Naylor: Staff training session about databases - For the Health of it! 00:49:59 Winona Patterson: Reading Doesn't Stink (kids program with baby skunks) 00:50:00 Jamie Naylor: Llamapalooza 00:50:07 Jamie Naylor: (previous system) 00:50:24 Jamie Naylor: real llamas! with storytime and crafts for all ages 00:50:46 Brandy Black: we did Dinovember 00:51:01 Coleen Tobin: previous teen librarian created the "Millhopper school of witch craft and wizardry" based on harry potter 00:52:00 Winona Patterson: Our Chamber of Commerce has their monthly networking meeting at our library. Approx 30 attendees each month for a breakfast networking. 00:52:16 Winona Patterson: Yes and yes! 00:52:37 Coleen Tobin: regional Homeschool conference 00:52:40 Winona Patterson: Always fun - telling them what's coming up at the library so they tell the community 00:52:46 Mary Balint: the "mommy and me" group that meets at the coffee shop down the road 00:52:48 Christina Wells: Advent Health - staff meeting? 00:53:19 Jamie Naylor: I bring recent releases to my quilt guild meetings. I briefly presented a couple years ago. 00:54:43 Brandy Black: I spoke with a lot of teen clubs at the schools this springs about Teen Advisory Group 01:03:00 Mary Balint: That's in our budget for the coming year! 01:03:24 Mary Balint: one for adults and one for kids 01:03:48 Sue Ane Stumpo: Me! LOL 01:03:49 Mary Balint: kids has beach balls, pencils, sharpeners and erasers 01:03:51 Jamie Naylor: I have. 01:04:22 Jamie Naylor: welcome packet - current calendar for that location, rack cards and info sheets for systemwide services/databases. 01:04:24 Mary Balint: adult one will have hand-fans, pens, hand sanitizer, car magnets 01:04:43 Sara Gassaway: Oh my gosh, it was a REAL thing? I’ve only ever heard the expression β€˜roll out the welcome wagon’ πŸ€―πŸ˜‚ 01:04:56 Sara Gassaway: πŸ˜‚ 01:05:17 Mary Balint: here's some free stuff 01:08:52 Winona Patterson: A local craft brewery hosts one of our monthly book clubs. 01:08:56 Jamie Naylor: I have posted events on the newspaper's free online calendar. It's not used as frequently as I thought it might be. 01:09:05 Dorothee Bennett: library brochure in a new renters package at one of the local (home) rental services 01:09:17 Brandy Black: We have food truck Fridays that the libraries attend like twice a month 01:09:41 Jamie Naylor: We partnered with our Parks & Rec to reach summer camps for youth and teens. All of them participate in summer reading this year and received badge books! 01:09:46 Jamie Naylor: 800+ participants 01:10:19 Brandy Black: We're starting that in the fall!! 01:10:45 Sue Ane Stumpo: We have "Hike with a Librarian" - we partner with our parks & rec dept to have a book club at a local park 01:10:53 Coleen Tobin: Thanks so much! 01:11:00 Mary Weatherholt: Thanks Linda! 01:11:01 Mary Balint: thanks Linda! 01:11:08 Winona Patterson: Thanks Linda! 01:11:10 Brandy Black: Love you Linda! Always awesome :) 01:11:13 Christina Wells: Thank you! 01:11:23 Sue Ane Stumpo: Thank you, Linda! 01:11:32 Chiquita Quirin: Thank you.